
in a Soul Winning Booth

A Worker must be saved, in good standing, mature teenager or older and willing to ...
* cooperate with the Shift Leader(s)
* sign up for a shift(s) and keep the commitment
* put spreading the Gospel before personal pride
* learn with hands-on training in ...
   - witnessing
   - obtaining contact information

This must be said, so please take it kindly
A Worker cannot have been convicted of Child-Molestation per the Christian Law Association

Soul Winning Experience is not Prerequisite
Since there is ...
* little or no classroom work to prepare for soul winning
* the Worker can begin immediately using the Witness Pamphlet ... prior experience with the Pamphlet is not necessary.
Workers can begin at any stage.  See: Something for Everyone

The Soul Winning Booth serves 2 purposes
* Training the Workers
* Spreading the Gospel
The latter is done with on-the-job-training

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Slide Show Table of Contents
* Introduction
* Age
* How Workers fit in
* How do Workers use the Witness Pamphlet?
* How do Workers use the Decision Card?

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