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How do We Train for
Booth Soul Winning

There is very little training to be done

Up-Dated - Friday, April 04, 2014

Table of Contents
* Training Workers
* Training Shift Leaders
* Training in Person
* Training Remotely

Training Workers

Attempting to tell everyone how to run a soul winning booth can be risky.  Most will not understand exactly what needs to be done or worst, will misunderstand.  The best way is when addressing the congregation, tell the Workers only what the workers will do. Then have a separate secession for the Shift Leaders.

Waiting to Witness
When dealing with the whole church, we like to let them know there will be several from the church who will be Shift Leaders. The Shift Leaders will be responsible for Greeting, Meeting and Seating Prospects.  The rest of the church will simply wait for the Shift Leader to bring them a prospect who has already ASKED TO SEE what it takes to be born again.  The Worker then uses the Bible, New Testament, Church Tract or our Witness Pamphlet to witness to the prospect.

This is like sitting on the front pew in church.  When the preacher preaches someone down the aisle, he passes the prospect over to the person waiting who shows the prospect how to be saved.

The Worker does not have to talk the person into being saved or even merely seeing it.  This is done by the Shift Leader.  The Worker simply relates the Gospel to willing hearts.

Contact Info
We also train the Workers in how to retain contact information from the prospect for later Follow-up.

Something for Everyone
During Training for the whole church, everyone is put at ease.
* There is something in the booth for each member
* There is no confrontation
* There is no tedious classroom work
* There is no memorization of verses
* There is no pressure to keep the numbers high
* There is no memorization of replies to objections

The weakest link in almost every soul winning church is Discipleship and Follow-up.  We also address these issues.


Training Shift Leaders
(See: Slides on Training Shift Leaders)

The pastor must choose a person to be Public Events Director or Shift Leader or do it himself.  The very best method is for the pastor to do it. 

We know there will be objections ...
"I do not have the time."
"I already have too much to do."
"I have to get ready for Sunday."
"I went to a conference and learned how to delegate."
"I let the ones who want this type of ministry do it themselves."

I am sure all of the above is true.  I pastored for many years myself.  But we are not talking about ushering or keeping the books or mowing the lawn.  We are talking about soul winning, the very life of the church.  The only way the church is going to grow, unless transfers are counted.
* What better way could you spend your time?
* If you have too much to do, quit something else.
* No sermon is more important than winning the loss. As a matter of fact, your sermon should be about getting out and winning the lost.
* Delegation is wonderful, if you really did learn how to do it.
* This is not a ministry for those who are interested, but everyone is to be trained in relating the Gospel, get involved.

During the Soul Winning, abilities and inabilities of individuals to relate the Gospel will become apparent.  This is an excellent opportunity for the pastor or appointee to guide the soul winner in the "dos and don'ts."  Corrections can be made immediately and the Workers can employ them in just a few minutes.  The pastor can also see areas where preaching, teaching and training are apparent for the months to come.

But if he just comes by and makes a token appearance at the booth and moves on to take his children or grandchildren to the carnival rides, etc., much valuable insight is forever lost.

Very few of us preachers have a church or a helper we can turn loose and hope for the best.  If the pastor has a very responsible, trained assistant, not a "go-fer", then he can be used to lead, but he must be coached as to what to look for and how to handle soul winning situations.  We do the training for booth operation, but we do not take over in pastoring the people.


Training in Person

Training in person is the best way to insure the information has been imparted, the trainee is encouraged and all questions answered.

One Church Service is all that is needed to inform the bulk of the Workers and their part as witnesses.  We have a way of having them see how simple it is and how they fit in.

If training in the presentation of the Gospel is needed, this will take another service or Sunday School Class where all the classes are combined (even the younger classes).

Workers are taught to use a tract with which to witness.  It has leading questions and flows quickly and logically through the Gospel, touching all the main points.  It is called "Why we must be Born Again".  It is made up of Bible (KJV) verses with a few comments.

Workers are shown how to retain contact information from prospects for Follow-up, later.

Workers do not need to know how to Greet, Meet and Seat Prospects.  This is done by the Shift Leader or Public Events Director.  Many will quickly learn in less (some cases, way less) than 30 minutes.  Depending on the size of the crowd.

About 1 hour is necessary to train the Shift Leader(s) or Public Events Director or both.  Most of this is about what not to do.  Although that part sounds negative, it is vital.  The rest of the time is spent with the 3 + 3 + 3 = Seated Method.  A tried and proven approach that is easy to learn and almost as easy to implement.  See video info below.


Training Remotely

When training in person is positively not possible, a church can use our Slide Show and Video to prepare the booth leader.  But he will likely be working with only a few Workers because we do not have anything that will impact the whole church like a personal presentation.


Train Church Members for
* Personal Soul Winning
* Personal Evangelism
* Personal Witnessing

For ...
* Community Outreach
* Christian Maturity
* Passing Christian Heritage to the next generation.


Continue to Explore the same Subject
* eBooks
* Fairs & Festivals
* Flea Markets
* Follow-up
* Parades
* Public Events
* Salvation ... How, Testimonies, Assurance, more
   - Soul Winning
   - Public Events
   - Publishing ... Sermons, Illustrations, more


G. Steven Andres
Psalms 45:17
Missionary Evangelist
Copyright - 1996 to 2010