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Winning and Warning?

  Who are these people?

Table of Contents
* Who is Winning and Warning?
* How does Winning and Warning work?
* How is Winning and Warning funded?
* Where does Winning and Warning operate?
* What procedures does Winning and Warning use
   in the soul winning booths
* Who is Steve & Pat Andres?

Who is Winning and Warning?
Winning and Warning touches communities with fair and festival soul winning.  Churches are also trained in soul winning in a public venue by taking the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the lost and following-up with discipleship.


How does Winning and Warning work?
Prospects come to us while we use fresh, simple, tried and proven techniques to seat them at tables without confrontational dialog, nor struggling with objections.  We also show churches  how to use these techniques, using ...
* a witness the churches employs
* a Witness Pamphlet (Winning and Warning's)
All is accomplished …
* without buying books and tapes
* without classroom workshops
* without extended memorizations

Churches are also trained to use a Decision Card to glean follow-up information for discipleship.


How is Winning and Warning funded?
Churches and individuals from across the nation give monthly support and one-time gifts to enable Steve & Pat Andres to take the Gospel to Public Events.  They in turn receive monthly up-dates to see how their money is spent and what results come from this expenditure.


Where does Winning and Warning operate?
Soul Winning events are mainly in south central Texas with San Antonio as a hub.  Trainings for working Public Events take place worldwide, some in person, some by phone and internet, some use training DVD's and slide shows.  Steve & Pat also direct Region 4 (TX, LA, AR, MO, KS, OK, CO, NM) for Amazing Grace Mission, an international mission to Public Events.  Region 4 has 65-75 events.


What procedures does Winning and Warning use in the soul winning booths?
See slide shows pertaining to booth operation.

Who is Steve & Pat Andres?
See ...



G. Steven Andres
Psalms 45:17
Missionary Evangelist
Copyright - 1996 to 2010